Friday, November 8, 2013

A new Saria, a new member, and more rambling

I figured some sort of update would be nice, especially considering I said I'd redo Saria's sprite a while back.
Important sprites like Saria will end up having multiple poses and expressions. I'm finding out the hard way how difficult it is to keep everything consistent from one sprite to the next. The longer I work on them, the more I notice that doesn't quite seem to match up, which leads to spending even more time (and thus noticing even more discrepancies). It ends up becoming a rather tedious cycle where you can only hope things become satisfactory by the end of it all. Fado will probably put me to the test next. I'll also need to tweak a couple of other sprites that haven't been shown on the blog, but I'm hoping I won't have to redo them entirely.
I can only hope I don't render more art unusable moving forward.

On a positive note we've gotten hold of a new writer. This is a very good thing because he's far more eloquent than I am. You guys don't know it now, but whenever you do actually see the script, you'll be thankful. Well, that's what I'd like to say. Nothing is set in stone yet since he sounds like a busy guy, but with any luck you won't be stuck with me.

I've also noticed we've been losing views left and right. It looks like the slowdown and constant barrage of negativity on my part regarding the team and project is taking hold. While its to be expected, its still a bit of a shame. However, its probably for the best. Checking in all the time only to be disappointed when nothing's been updated can't be very fun. I'd like to say I'll sit down and pump out content that can be shown on a regular basis, but we all know by now what happens whenever I say I'll do something in a reasonable amount of time.

And shoutout to these guys for making an incredible VN -
I can't understand a word of it, and neither will you unless you can read German, but that's ok, its still definitely worth checking out. If you're into lolis, great artwork, and music you can't go wrong. With any luck a translation will happen at some point.


  1. first for hiring artists with no experience

    i bet you the wii u zelda game will come out before this vn is done

    1. It might. With projects like these its more about whether or not its finished at all, rather than how long it takes.

  2. Those legs look weird on Saria, I don't know what it is specifically, but they look odd.

    1. The knees might be a little low, but I'm not really sure either. The legs were included more for the sake of completion though. Her lower half will be cropped about mid-thigh in the VN.

    2. Knees do seem low yeah. Distance from the waist to them is a but too much, seems longer than her actual torso.

  3. Just want to say I still have this as a bookmark. I'm sorry yall are losing views, but there's going to be a few of us who would check back frequently even if you said "THAT'S IT PROJECT OVER FUCK OFF".
    Congrats on the new writer as well!

    1. Losing views is unfortunate, but we had it coming with how slowly we've been moving. Hopefully people are just checking in a little less frequently rather than forgetting about us entirely.
      I've noticed that seems to be the case with lozhq's blog. We still get a few hits from that post. I wonder how people would respond if suddenly that blog got moving again...
      Thanks for the encouragement man, I'm really glad they joined.

  4. Something about Saria's proportions don't look quite right to me, I can't put my finger on it.

    >The legs were included more for the sake of completion though. Her lower half will be cropped about mid-thigh in the VN.

    Aww, my inner leg fetishist is disappointed. I get it though.

    1. I think its the legs like that other anon mentioned. I'm not sure if I should bother fixing it or not since she seems fine once cropped for the vn. It can really tedious trying to rework things after their colored, but I may just suck it up when I have the time.

      Yeah, unfortunately it would be quite strange to see her standing from head to toe as a sprite in-game.
