Monday, June 10, 2013

Good news

We're doing well, it's been a while since we posted and we apologize for that. We have some pretty good updates coming your way soon, just hang in there.


  1. Go at your own pace.

    Unless your own pace is "cancel the project", then we'll have to find a way to whip you through the internet.

    No but really anyone who isn't patient has probably jumped ship already.

    1. What we're working on is quite extensive and we certainly don't always know what we're doing, so we hit hiccups every now and then. Even so, it would be really nice to find a way to consistently bring updates to this blog without revealing everything we're working on. Once we iron out the foundation, and start moving at a faster clip, we should be able to provide more content.

      We haven't been going after any exposure, but the views have always remained pretty consistent.
      ... Until people realized we don't have a yaoi artist.

  2. dont let the yaoi thiing stop you guys or bring you down, projects like this are always being talked about by true fanboys (and girls). eventually one of those fanboys (or girls) will want to help the project move further, and that fanboy (or girl) will be a yaoi artist here to save the day.

  3. While I don't agree with the Yaoi thing, you would have an easier time just adding it after releasing the base game.

    1. It's definitely not a priority.

    2. Yeah, that's definitely pretty apparent.

    3. I'll be honest here. Yaoi is no longer a priority for us. The only member on the team who originally cared about its inclusion has recently flipped on their stance. We will however still make it clear that we would appreciate any yaoi artists who care to join.

      Honestly though, the only thing we are prioritizing right now is creating an enjoyable foundation. That means things like UI design, battle mechanics, how dungeons operate, etc. Fantasies, sex scenes, and any sort of padding are a distant second.

    4. So wait. This is a game first, and porn second?

      Why is this a visual novel then? As the name implies, usually there's very little game mechanics to be had, and the only thing interesting about this project IS the porn. There's plenty of far better fan projects out there that have a much better grasp on the fundamentals for a proper Zelda game. The only thing you have going for you on this is porn.

      If what you're saying is true, (I personally don't care about the yaoi, just the porn) then i really just lost all interest in this.

    5. In terms of development, yes. Its foundation of the game first, porn second. We would get nowhere if everyone just worked on their fantasies. That's not to say the porn isn't important, just that its not the priority right now.

      This is a visual novel in the same way that MGQ is a visual novel, only we're taking it a little bit further. The battles and dungeons are very text based and meant to accentuate the porn.

  4. Did /f/dude ever finish any animations or did he quit like usual?

    1. /f/dude's just about wrapped up the scene with the deku girl (including Link's revision) and he's created some prototype battle animations. He's been busy with his job lately and hasn't had much time to talk with us, but he still updates the animation and posts progress.

  5. Does this mean that there's a gallery mode (for the sex scene)?

    1. Its something we're planning out. Its unlikely to be a traditional type of gallery done in most VNs.

    2. On a side note, are the scenes still images or animated?

    3. Unfortunately as of right now we have no idea, f.dude. the animator, has been busy lately. Not every scene will be animated however due to time constraints. Some will be animated, most will be still images.
