Friday, May 10, 2013

New Navi

Sorry this took so long to post. Link should be up fairly soon as well.
EDIT: Sorry Link is taking a little longer than I planned. I lost some progress (including some of the colors on Navi) with my recent hard drive failure and I've got other priorities to take care of first.


  1. will she have the pulsating glow behind her sprite? and if so, will you guys make her a little less annoying than in OOT? god she never shuts up. HEY! HEY! LOOK! LISTEN! LOOK! HEY! LISTEN! LISTEN! HEY! LOOK! LOOK! LISTEN! HEY! HEY! LOOK! HEY! LISTEN! god... annoying. so. annoying.

    1. this current version of her is hot tho. i only have two complaints about it, the first is the straps on the dress. it would look (in my opinion, dont take it to hard.) alot more "foresty" and sexier if it didnt have the straps. the second complaint is the wings, they feel like they should be more see through. theyre to solid. lol hope that makes sense.

    2. We are trying to keep her true to her character, so the kind of know-it-all, somewhat pushy attitude will remain, but she won't be nearly as intrusive or obnoxious about it.
      I can't even begin to tell you how offended I am by those suggestions, how dare you. Nah, you clearly pointed out your thoughts, I appreciate it. You even made me see a flaw with the straps I might not have caught otherwise. I'll try out your suggestions and see how they look, thanks.

    3. pushy attitude? more like PUssy attitude amirite? anyway keep on truckin

    4. lol isn't amirite a type of rock? anyways, glad to help :3

  2. She looks good! What made you decide to change her clothing/lack thereof so drastically though?

    1. The previous Navi design came under some fire so I felt like we should really try to change it around. One of our newer members, buca, played a very big part in the clothing design.

  3. For once, something that looks like a legit sprite.

    1. Oh hehehahahehehehohohohohohaha

    2. Nah, he's right. This one actually looks good.
