Wednesday, October 15, 2014

To Clarify

I feel as though I need to clarify a little bit and reiterate a few things said in the last post, to save misinterpretations.

  1. Firstly, the current status of the project is still a hiatus.
  2. I, Khrom, am not the sole owner or developer of ZVN, it is still "owned" by Ling and XV88 as well, the other two original developers, therefore I am not the sole authority of anything concerning the project, even if I own this blog.
  3. All things stated in the last post are that of my opinion and do not represent that of Lings' or XV88s opinions or thoughts.
  4. In other words, the "will we return?" is purely speculation and thoughts from my part.
 It is, hopefully, likely that Ling will either edit or create a post regarding the current situation and include his insight and opinion.

Thanks for your patience and thanks for reading. It really, really does mean a lot of not only me, but Ling as well.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Will we return?

It's difficult to say at the moment. To say the project is dead in the water would not be entirely true. There exists a small chance of it's eventual return, but when and how long? I don't know.

As for me right now, I'm focusing on the development of a game unrelated to ZVN. As for the other two original members, I cannot say.

We were in the process of creating something beautiful and unique, and after all the work we put into the project (all the way up to the demo) to throw it all away would be an absolute travesty.

So, it is safe to assume, at least for the time being, that ZVN is not completely dead.

But for right now, the development is still halted. I am interested in eventually finishing the project in the future, however I'm not sure how the others feel about it after so much time away.

If there's anyone still out there, thanks for reading.