Friday, July 10, 2015

Accepting Applications

Want to join us and actually see the project finished?
Now's your chance.

If we can make solid progress and provide a demo without any major hiccups we will make a serious attempt at acquiring a source of income for team members, either via patreon or direct donations. This is in order to fuel motivation, keep morale high and to purchase any software or hardware that can make the development of this game move along as efficiently as possible.

Here's the deal.
Current State of project: We have a demo / early alpha all the way up to and including the entrance of the deku tree. So yes there is a working demo.

What we need: For people to stop leaving.
No, seriously.

The issue that has plagued us, and not only us but any project like ours, is every time someone comes on board they often don't realize the work entailed and after offering ideas and comments, don't deliver on time or simply don't deliver at all, and disappear.
The current and only consistent members have been the creators of the project, Ling and I (And XV but he's off at this point too.)

So- What do we need to see this through.

Programmer: Level of Importance: URGENT
WITHOUT A PROGRAMMER WE CANNOT PROCEED. Any other work runs the risk of being all for naught unless we can form a stable team.
We're in desperate need of a programmer with knowledge of the Renpy engine and python. That includes a battle system, inventory, health, damage, things like that (to be specific.) We already have a system in place that can be worked off of. Any changes or methods to advance will be at your discretion.

Artist: Level of Importance: Medium
You will be expected to collaborate with sketches, designs and lineart for scenes and sprites when needed and to stay in contact with the rest of the team. Ling handles the coloring and will assist in keeping the style consistent, but any help with coloring is also appreciated (such as prepping lineart and providing base colors). 

Writer: Level of Importance: Medium / Low
Should be able to output a fair amount of dialogue and ideas on a weekly basis. Some experience in writing fan-fiction writing or writing in general would be preferred. If you have work you'd like to show, please feel free to email that along with your application. The writing of LoZ should stay true to the canon of the series, but obviously there is lee-way. 

Current team:
Khrom: Background Artist. I stepped down from doing character art and scenes for the time being.
Ling: Lead Artist guy.

Send your applications to: and


  1. You guys ever find people willing to help?

    1. We've seen a lot of people come and go back when the blog was being updated consistently, and even for a while after I announced the project's "hiatus". However, it's already been over a year and half since then and the last time we've nabbed a few recruits was roughly two-three months ago, none of which stuck around for long.

    2. Where's the game

  2. Didn't you have a guy who was working on a Zelda hentai flash helping you guys? I just remember him doing a Deku scrub scene a whiiiile back, but I can't find any trace of his previous work or him. What happened with that?

    1. I forgot to ask; Do you have a tumblr or soup for more of your art Ling? I really dig your art.

    2. Yeah, that was fdude. He was with us for a few months before quietly disappearing. He resurfaced and started working on his hentai quest flash again, but that seems to have fallen through unfortunately.

      As for my work, I used to have a few things on hentai foundry, but I took them down. I'm happy you asked, but I've never really drawn enough to validate having a place to showcase my work to begin with, nor is my output speed that great. To put it bluntly I drew far more for this project than I've drawn in my entire life.
      That said, I am working on a dream game of mine and I'm hoping to properly announce that once I've made enough progress and have something truly compelling to show.

    3. That's unfortunate, his flash seemed promising, just like your guys' VN here. It's really a shame people are so flakey. I remember him starting and stopping his flash several times, I didn't even know he resumed again recently. It seems like every Zelda hentai game is having bad luck in being made.

      That's also too bad, I would've loved to see more of your work. Though, I'll look forward to when you announce your game.

    4. Thought I replied to this already. But nope.

    5. Yeah, it would've been great if he stuck with it. It's too bad he seems to get in over his head and just walks away. I haven't seen or heard from him in ages.
      It's not a matter of luck so much as it's a matter of determination and passion. When your passion only amounts to tossing around ideas before realizing the work involved in following through, you've got a recipe for disaster.

      I'm glad to hear you like my work so much, so I'm sorry to disappoint. I can't say when I'll be ready to start showing my game, but I am putting a good deal of effort into it so that it will be worth the wait. Of course if the ZVN shows signs of life again I'll still be here.

  3. Wish I could help. I've started learning Python in the amount of time you've started having programmer troubles up until now, but I'm nowhere near adept enough for your needs yet.

    I'm really glad that you guys haven't given up after so many pitfalls though, you deserve congratulations for that.

    1. The ZVN was something we cared about a lot and put a great deal of time and effort into, so it's not easy to let go. I don't see my interest in this project dying anytime soon.

      Best of luck with learning Python.

  4. Replies
    1. No takers in a long while. Will remain vigilant.

    2. Counting on you, I have faith no matter how long it takes. Godspeed my friend.

      (also how's your dream game going?)

    3. You and me both. The project is solid, it just needs the support to see it through. There are so many heroines and monstergirls I'm looking forward to.

      As a one man project where I have to learn as I go along, I'd say it's progressing pretty nicely. I'm planning on getting a good amount of work done this weekend.

  5. Wow, wish there were better news, but at least happy to see this hasn't been given up on! Sorry I ended up being among those who couldn't stay a part of things... after life got busy at the start of the summer I had to force myself not to check back in on this for the past several months since to be honest I just could no longer afford the time to even be distracted trying to help with something like this.

    Sadly, I was in a similar place as the Anon above when it came to learning Python, and you really need more than that. Still, though it seems unlikely I'll be in a position to offer meaningful help anytime soon, this has been the project I'd most like to see finished of the indy H-games out there, and I keep hoping someone or someones with more talent and time than myself will be able to help it move forward again someday!

    1. It might not have been given up on by Khrom and I, but it is a shell of it's former self. It will take at least a very devoted programmer in order to have any hopes of reviving.
      It's true that everyone has their own lives to live, but just thirty minutes, maybe an hour if one could spare it, from each member every day would have moved things along at a good clip.

  6. i wouldnt mind becoming a writer, though i dont know much about what is going on. contacting though, im not big on email but im almost always respondent on skype. i role play characters i created and have some talent for writing. honestly just give me some characters and a scenario and i can probably make something happen. if you want i could possibly find some people for programming and art. i know a couple places where i can find them, though the amount of trust you should have in them is none.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'd definitely be up for seeing your work. Also, if you think you know someone who'd be interested in assisting, especially a programmer, that would be an immense help. While you don't seem to have too much faith in them, we have enough material prepared that any programmer should be able to prove their skill and dedication fairly quickly.

      Shoot me an email with your stuff. You can find my email on the contact us page.

    3. i forgot to mention, i made myself a wix (pretty easy with no coding needed) that has all my characters i have made. 28 characters, 2 big story boards, and a couple smaller ones. message me back on here if you want to see it, i think it isnt half bad for most of these characters.

  7. How much programming work has been completed and set in stone by the previous programmer?

    Is it necessary to be able to continue off of the previous programmer's work in Python, or are you open to rebuilding what you have so far using a different language and engine?

    1. Due to the number of revisions we went through, very little of the programming could be considered set in stone. Our programmer has even recommended it may be better for any future programmers to start from scratch instead of trying to wrap their heads around and work off what he's done.
      As for the language and engine, that really depends on the programmer. We used renpy as it's tailor made for VNs, but versatile enough to allow us to create what we need. It was also simple enough that even people with next to no programming knowledge like myself could assist in certain areas if need be. However, if a future programmer feels things should be done differently, that would be entirely their call provided they followed through.

  8. Good luck guys. I've been following this project from the beginning. I only wish I had any skills to contribute!

  9. Any good news? Or news at all?

    1. Sorry mate, I really wish I could say there was. I've had a few prospective programmers come and go, but they nope out. According to them they underestimated the complexity, namely the battle system. However, our original programmer maintains the stance that it should be a relatively simple task.

      As for me, I've been learning some python fundamentals for my own project, but even that's rough going, and unless things really start clicking, I would have a hell of a time trying to reach the level required for the ZVN's more RPGish elements.

    2. Still no news? Anything with your own game you can share?

    3. We had another programmer apply, but nothing has come of it thus far. I think I might've pissed him off during a session of Smash as I haven't heard from him since.

      As for my own thing, I've been making progress. It's quite difficult as not only am I working completely on my own I'm also running into many things that were taken for granted with the ZVN, such as creating and coloring backgrounds from scratch. With any luck though I should set into a stride and have enough artwork to justify a blog fairly soon. I will say it's a very ambitious (aka foolhardy) endeavor for one person, and that it's essentially an amalgam of as many of my fetishes and ideas I've had for h-games that I can cram in as possible.

    4. >pissed him off during a session of smash
      Wat? Did you wreck him that badly? Hahaha, that's great.

      I'm looking forward to seeing you open your own blog. I know you probably didn't intend to, but you're hyping it up a lot with how "big" (in terms of content) you're making it sound. It's definitely making me more interested in it.

    5. Haha, nothing that amusing really. He was just very competitive and I got the feeling he thought I was taking him lightly.

      And I'm looking forward to living up to those expectations. It's been my dream game (or rather a build up to my dream game to be exact) for years so I want to make it the best it can be. Though you're right that I'm not trying to hype it up. I'm only speaking from how I personally feel about it. With that said I will warn you that it is a very different type of project compared to ZVN and it focuses heavily on certain fetishes, such incest and bestiality. Incest in particular is a huge one. Everyone's got their kinks, and I'm going all out.

    6. Well that's odd.

      You're making it sound interesting, that's for sure.

    7. Right? Though if something like that is enough to lose communication over, it's better for everyone that it happens sooner rather than later.

      Haha, it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it will certainly be interesting.

    8. People seem to be leaving for the dumbest reasons. Didn't you guys have someone else helping that worked with /f/dude before also? Did he leave too?

      How long do you think it's gonna take for you to open your own blog up for your project?

    9. To be fair that's only my assumption. It's just been quite some time since I've heard from him and that's the last thing that happened so it's all I can go off of.
      Yeah, Dan. Or at least that's what I knew him as. He was a more reasonable sort, but he joined right in the midst of the project falling apart. I wanted to recruit him as a writer, but he wanted to be a background artist. Unfortunately he was the type to really take his time and backgrounds were more of a luxury, especially given the dire situation. Long story short we kind of just parted ways on good terms after things looked really bleak for the future of the project.

      Good question. I've got quite a number of sketches and lineart, a few colored sprites, and a very basic build with simple navigation and character interaction, but I don't think I have nearly enough to justify a blog yet. I really don't want to repeat the same mistake that happened with the ZVN where we started a blog with very little content. I struggled to keep a consistent stream of updates and posts with art and whatnot while juggling all the work you can't really show or talk about. That'd be even worse now that I'm completely on my own.

      Man, I can't be concise to save my life.

    10. Think it'll be sometime this year for your blog to go up?

    11. Hard to say, but that would certainly be a good goal to aim for. The only thing I could see getting in the way of that is the programming as I'm a poor judge of just how complex it might become or how much time it may take.

  10. Hey Ling, you said a while back that /f/dude finished an animation for this but then took off after. Would you mind releasing it? I would really like to see it and it'll go to waste otherwise.

    1. there's an unreleased animation? seconding this request

    2. Sure. With /f/dude having vanished, even if the ZVN does revive, this wouldn't be able to be used so I suppose there's little reason to keep it hidden.
      It was going to lead up to an orgasm which never happened and I believe /f/dude was planning to refine the artwork further, but the main looping animation was completed.

    3. Very nice, thanks for sharing. It's definitely a shame he took off, a lot of really good animations could've been made. Your art definitely makes his animations look a lot better.

      Was this the only thing he did for this VN, or shared?

    4. Thanks mate. It is a shame that fell through. He put a good deal of time and effort into that and everything was looking really promising.

      Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, yes that's all he did. There were others planned, but I don't believe he ever started on them.

    5. Didn't he work on another flash with male Deku scrubs also? I vaguely remember that.

    6. That he did, but it was for LoZHQ. He was up for working on yaoi for this project if I recall correctly, but there's nothing to show for it.

  11. RIP this project

    1. I'm still around, but yes, unfortunately the outlook is still very grim.

    2. Just checked back in on this for the first time in a long time... sad to see it's still had no luck finding a good programmer to revive things. Seeing that animation from /f/dude really makes me sad at how much good potential content I'm guessing went to waste when he stopped working on this and then disappeared from working on LoZHQ. Looking back through some of your art too... really wish there'd been someone able to help bring it to life on the programming side. RIP for now, but you still responding to stuff gives me a sliver of hope that someday... maybe...

      Any news on your personal project?

    3. Heya Dark
      It is what it is I suppose, especially with a large project that comes with so many risks. I don't see myself completely leaving it for dead anytime soon however.

      My personal project is coming along. Still on track to making a blog for it sometime this year. I'm thinking of narrowing my focus to just one or two characters for now before gradually including the rest in order to speed things along, as the interactions are going to be rather complex.

  12. me again, im no programmer but how hard would it be to learn some of the programming stuff? i have a lot of free time on my hands and remembered this site.

    1. Response is a bit late, but hey SDbait.
      It shouldn't be THAT difficult to learn, but it is still a very substantial amount of work and requires ample dedication. Going into it lightly tends to backfire.

  13. Hey Ling!

    I was just going to comment since you're also seemingly interested in other people's Zelda H-Games. Apparently /f/dude resurfaced a couple years ago, and worked with someone for a while before deleting his email and blog, then disappeared again. The person that worked with him apparently posted on some threads looking for /f/dude because they had a shit ton of art assets and some animations made. I got in contact with him a couple months ago and from what I can see things are progressing really well. So there's SOME hope left to see a Zelda porn game.

    1. Glad to hear there's still progress being made. Do you know if they have a blog or post anywhere? I wonder if it's Dan and his friend.

    2. He made a couple posts with character art and some scenes in a hentai thread on /v/, I ended up getting his email before the thread was deleted. From what I know, it's only one guy working on it, and I don't think he has a blog. It's looking like it's coming together nicely though from what he's shared.

    3. The art I saw was mostly Ruto. I can contact him and see if he's fine with me sending you what was shared through email if you'd like.

    4. Ruto? Hot damn. She's one of the major reasons why I wanted to work on the ZVN to begin with. I'd love to see what he's up to, if it's not too much trouble.
      Either way though, I wish him all the best.

  14. we alright here? still going and everything? i'd love to see this come through.

    1. Until we can get a programmer for the battle system, it's about good as dead. Like ling said, the programming itself is fairly basic and not ultra complex but it requires quite a bit of work.

  15. I wanted to ask, just what is the scripting language the programming uses? I couldn't find that on the About page.

  16. I'm commissioning nude 3D models for all female characters from Ocarina Of Time.
    So far I've got:

    Gerudo Assasin (red)
    Gerudo Spear (purple)
    And Treasure chest girl

    Next up is Zelda, Saria and Gerudo Gate Keeper.

  17. I remembering following this project when I was still a kid. Now I'm in college learning programming. Maybe I'll eventually be able to help out
