Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I really didn't want to make this post, but it needed to be done at some point. I got a hold of our programmer today and we finally came to the consensus that we are currently "dead", or to put things at least somewhat optimistically, in a comatose state. I almost feel like just copy-pasting everything that was said there regarding the problems with the project, but I think those of you who have stuck with us to this point deserve more than that and to at least be addressed directly.

First, thank you for caring about what we were trying to create here. I know it probably wasn't easy at times considering where many of you originated from, nor was dealing with how slowly the blog was updated I imagine, but I really appreciate everyone who has stuck with us, and even those who haven't. I'm sorry things played out this way.

For those of you who have been keeping up with the comments, you've probably seen this coming. To put things bluntly, our team was fractured and our methods flawed. I would be under the impression things were progressing, when they weren't. Members would leave without a word or only show up briefly every blue moon. There would be reassurances of work being accomplished, or promises that someone would show up again, that would continuously fall through. Eventually it got to the point where I felt like everything I was doing was wasted effort.
As the person who was eventually, and reluctantly, considered something like the leader, I too was inexperienced. I failed to unify the team and was consistently pessimistic about my contributions. I feel that if I were a better artist, and my overall contributions of a higher quality, that the respect might have been there and people would be more motivated and thus more likely to stick around. I even let the flak the art received many months back get to me to this day.
Basically, we stumbled into every pitfall one would expect of a group of strangers brought together by chance. Even so, I met some great people, both on the team and the blog, and I was happy to work and talk with them, however brief.

All of that said, I still care about the ZVN and its not like I'm really going anywhere. If I feel there is any hope for this project, via contributions from others or acquiring the time and ability to do everything myself, I will do my best to see it through. I will attempt to better myself for if and when that time comes. For now I want to move on and try something new. Thank you for all the help, encouragement and discussion this past year, it really meant a lot to me.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that. Don't feel too down on yourself though, you're artwork is one of the main reasons I was interested in this project to begin with. I love your coloring style!

    Is there a preferred email address to contact you at? I don't have all the skills needed to revive the project, but maybe I could contribute a little something so you at least have a reserve of material for any future attempts at this thing?

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. I'd be happy talk things over with you via email. Mine should be up on the contact us page.

  2. I guess you could say the project is...on a long term temporary hiatus. I guess what ling said.
    Right now I'm just focusing on my art work, to improve, and other personal projects (book, and programming) Other responsibilities such as school and work has virtually hindered any sort of productive measures I may be able to provide. But like Ling, I haven't given up, nor have I given up hope. No matter how long it takes I'll see this game out to the very end. I believe this game has wonderful and massive potential to be a hit. It'll get there.

    p.s to ling I haven't been on steam because I've been trying to avoid someone on there. They are really annoying and persistent and I can't block them due to reasons. If you want to talk about anything we can exchange emails, or if there's another IM you use.

    1. Ah, so that's what was up. Its been pretty lonely in that steam chat. And I've got your email for this project, unless you prefer to use a different one.

  3. Well, since there is a note of optimism in the update, I'll keep checking back in. Good luck with all that ya'll do. :3

  4. Sad to see this put on hold for a while, but I'll also be checking back in and hope to see some more great art whenever you find time again!

  5. Hey. I just found out about the Zelda Visual Novel and I'd love to help contribute by giving some funding. Would that be possible and how would I send it? Would that spark it up again?

    1. Thank you very much, I definitely appreciate the offer! However, we never really planned on accepting donations, and I especially wouldn't think it right to receive them in our current state.
      The thing that could really help spark things up again is acquiring people who have the time/ability and will consistently help with development.

  6. I wish I was able to help but I have no artistic/programming ability. Will you be maintaining the blog to keep us updated in hopes you are able to resume?
    And whatever happened to that partner? 4chanfdude or something?

    1. Not sure if you're familiar with /f/dude, but he never finishes anything and always quits. That's probably what happened here too.

    2. At this point, while a programmer is the bare minimum to get things moving again, every position could use refilling. So a writer or an assistant who could help with other tasks would also be very useful. And unless something comes up that forces me to close everything down I'll keep the blog up and update/reply as long as necessary.
      As for /f/dude, I'm not sure about his real circumstances regarding why, but unfortunately he disappeared a long time ago.

    3. I know it's kind of a backwards way of doing things, but maybe we could consider just getting together all the needed art assets and script writing while looking for a programmer? The design, art and script could all be finalized and then a programmer would just have to "put it together" so to speak. I'm aware it's not ideal but better than doing nothing right?

    4. I've thought of doing that, but there are two big reasons why I'm not too into it. The ZVN is a pretty massive undertaking (relatively speaking). We didn't start it as a one man project, but as a team. I was never supposed to take on as much as I did and I had hopes that we would find people who would help shoulder some of that work. I wasn't even supposed to be the full blown artist, I was originally just the colorist. To actually provide all the content for the whole game would take me a VERY long time, especially if that meant learning to program in the worst case scenario. I could always reevaluate things and cut content, but even so it would still probably take me alone something like a couple years as I'm not a particularly fast worker and I don't have all that much time to begin with
      And secondly, I've learned a lot from working on this for a year. A lot of what I've learned isn't particularly positive. To be honest I don't have the kind of faith needed anymore to devote so much of my time and effort into creating all of the content just to hope I find someone who is not only capable of putting it all together, but will actually devote the time and effort necessary to do so. I realize more people could join while I'm working alone, but considering how that's played out thus far, I can't bring myself to justify it. I'd need to see people take the initiative, even if that potentially means a new artist who tosses out what I've done, or someone who drastically changes the design of the game. If the passion/drive and initiative is there then I'll gladly work with them.

      There are a few other reasons, but I doubt you'd care to hear more of my bitching. I know its not what you want to hear, nor do I really care to say it, but its how I honestly feel at this point. I appreciate that you care enough to comment on it though, and I'm sorry.

    5. Oh no, I didn't mean to imply that you should just crank out all the art yourself, that would be asking way too much. I just thought you could maybe accept pieces from interested artists and writers here and there while there's no programmer, since those types of contributors seem to be easier to find.

    6. Ah, well that's always still a possibility. I certainly wouldn't turn down any offers to help, especially if they're aware of the situation. With any luck one/some of them may have the ability/dedication necessary to get things moving again.
      I've been the one cranking out pretty much all of the game's content thus far, and while that's definitely not ideal, nor what I want to do, I would be willing to continue doing so (with hopes that the team will grow) as long as there is at least a programmer who I know I can rely on working with me.

  7. Have you tried getting in contact with some of the programmers that frequent the Legend of Krystal forums or those who contribute to Corruption of Champions? I hesitate to ask, but since both communities have forums with lots of contributors who do seem to have some programming experience, I thought that I should at least mention.

    1. It was considered at one point, but long story short our programmer didn't care for the idea.
      It might be worth looking into again, though my attempts to bring people into the project by invitation have yet to see any form of success.

    2. It might be worth a shot. Some people in those communities seem to be fairly reliable and update fairly regularly. LoK forums is filled with fans of projects like this, and you'd probably find some reliable talent there. Hopefully.
      Sorry to bother you. Just want to contribute in what little way I can by making a suggestion.

    3. I know I've been sounding pretty bleak lately, but you're definitely not bothering me man. I'm glad it was brought up again, thanks.

  8. to be honest i didn't expect this project to go anywhere, given half the dev team was no-names and the other half unnamed.

    reah, RIP.

  9. i feel like donations and a budget would help a LOT like A LOT ALOT

    1. Well, yeah. But unfortunately I can't provide a budget and any donations we get at this point would not only have a good chance of going to waste, but wouldn't be enough to sway anyone into joining/working.

  10. I just found this today and while I'm sad there isn't even a demo or anything I have to say the pictures I've seen so far look great. I can't really help in any was but I will stick around and be supportive. It'd be nice to see this done eventually ^^

  11. I'm not sure if you still check this blog, but is it possible I can get some information about what programs/languages the programmer was using make this game? I'm not a skilled programmer myself, but I might be able to find some leads if I know what we're working with.

    1. Thanks for the offer! We were using Renp'y so the language would be python.
      If we were just trying to make a simple vn Renp'y seems straight-forward enough for even me to figure out, but the ZVN is a good deal more complex.

    2. Did anything ever come of this? If not I would be willing to look at the source and see if I could do anything

    3. It never really went beyond what you see here as far as I'm aware so I'm grateful for the interest. If you'd be up for emailing me I'd be happy to talk things over in detail.

    4. Ok, I just dropped you an email at the address you have listed on the contact us page

  12. Sorry this project of yours fell through. I think I had heard about this on 4chan, but now coming across it, going through all the pictures and getting a little bit of an idea what this was gonna be it's a real bummer. You say you let criticism of the art get to you, but I assure you it's wonderful (the Saria deku baba picture I found through Google and got me looking things over was the bet Saria porn I've seen. That's not saying a whole lot, but I thought the art was all very nice.). I know it would have been, and as you say god willing it will be if things can ever get going again, a wonderful game. Thank you for what efforts you all did thus far.

    1. Thanks man. Its been a while since everything's happened, but comments like yours are still very uplifting and motivational. I appreciate you taking the time to say it.
      As for ever getting the ZVN going again, it still remains a possibility however slight. In fact the anon just above your comment followed through on their interest in becoming the programmer so we're seeing how that plays out. While I'm far away from guaranteeing anything, especially this early, I can still say the ZVN has a flicker of life within it.

  13. If the worst comes to be and this new guy doesn't work out, you could always do other things with these characters and animations, like maybe a series of just hentai animations. Ever read the doujin, Bad Zelda? You could do something like that, but with animated panels. That would actually be kind of cool.

    It would be such a waste of good, talented artists if nothing worked out all because of programming, and instead of improvising, it all just got tossed in the trash.

    1. The animations kind of went down the drain with /f/dude's disappearance a while back. The one scene he worked on is pretty much finished, but unfortunately that's all there is aside from some small battle effects we both created. In terms of CGs, the build underwent so many revisions we never truly got to the point where we could incorporate them. We were just about ready to do so when things fell apart. Basically, the reason I drew them up before they were necessary was to spice up the blog, which means just about all of the finished CGs are viewable already, so they're at least out there and won't die with us if it comes to that.

      Its not all programming, that's just the aspect of development I really struggle to wrap my head around. I'm essentially useless in that area aside from grunt work. A programmer is vital, but a major problem is the ZVN is huge and was meant to be tackled as a team. We can make progress with just a programmer and myself, but we would need a real team in order to move things forward at a reasonable pace and have it be as good as we'd hoped.

      If it ever gets to the point where I believe its impossible I'll try to think if there's anything we can do with what we have. For now though I want to focus on bettering myself, finding the right people, and getting positive exposure when we're ready for it.

    2. Well /f/dude has been posting more animations recently on /f/. Apparently he's just working on his "Hentai Quest" again. Were you able to get in touch with him? Because he's back posting.

    3. I haven't heard from him in probably about a year now. I expected he'd resurface at some point, but after lying and disappearing his intentions regarding this project were pretty clear unfortunately.
      I am glad to hear he's trying to start hentai quest up again though. I can't say I have much faith in it going anywhere, but hopefully I'm wrong. At least he's finding some use from what he did for the ZVN in his new flash by reusing some of the updated art assets for Link.
