Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I really didn't want to make this post, but it needed to be done at some point. I got a hold of our programmer today and we finally came to the consensus that we are currently "dead", or to put things at least somewhat optimistically, in a comatose state. I almost feel like just copy-pasting everything that was said there regarding the problems with the project, but I think those of you who have stuck with us to this point deserve more than that and to at least be addressed directly.

First, thank you for caring about what we were trying to create here. I know it probably wasn't easy at times considering where many of you originated from, nor was dealing with how slowly the blog was updated I imagine, but I really appreciate everyone who has stuck with us, and even those who haven't. I'm sorry things played out this way.

For those of you who have been keeping up with the comments, you've probably seen this coming. To put things bluntly, our team was fractured and our methods flawed. I would be under the impression things were progressing, when they weren't. Members would leave without a word or only show up briefly every blue moon. There would be reassurances of work being accomplished, or promises that someone would show up again, that would continuously fall through. Eventually it got to the point where I felt like everything I was doing was wasted effort.
As the person who was eventually, and reluctantly, considered something like the leader, I too was inexperienced. I failed to unify the team and was consistently pessimistic about my contributions. I feel that if I were a better artist, and my overall contributions of a higher quality, that the respect might have been there and people would be more motivated and thus more likely to stick around. I even let the flak the art received many months back get to me to this day.
Basically, we stumbled into every pitfall one would expect of a group of strangers brought together by chance. Even so, I met some great people, both on the team and the blog, and I was happy to work and talk with them, however brief.

All of that said, I still care about the ZVN and its not like I'm really going anywhere. If I feel there is any hope for this project, via contributions from others or acquiring the time and ability to do everything myself, I will do my best to see it through. I will attempt to better myself for if and when that time comes. For now I want to move on and try something new. Thank you for all the help, encouragement and discussion this past year, it really meant a lot to me.