Monday, September 16, 2013

Moving on

UPDATE: I was hoping I would be able to finish/update this all in one go, but I don't think I'll be able to have the coloring done by today so here's the lineart. Currently reevaluating the project's priorities.

I'd still like to hear everyone's thoughts about whether or not you'd all be up for posts involving character discussions, possibly designing monster girls (even just a doodle or description would be enough so long as the design is clear), or just anything that helps vary things up a bit on here. If you think all that's needed are posts involving progress on the scenes, then that's cool too.


  1. Well which characters are up for discussion? All of them? What characters are going to be included in the first build of the demo?

    1. The demo will take place in Kokiri Forest, so pretty much everything you've seen on the blog, plus some stuff you haven't.
      The character discussions could consist of how they should be depicted, what kind of scenes would be suitable for them, what makes them interesting, etc. Anything pertaining to the character really.
      It could be Link, Saria, Navi, etc. Maybe even how a monster girl should act when you're fighting her or when she's going down on you.

    2. You stated before that Link can bang the monster girls. Why is he going around banging or rather having the option to bang the monster girls? Is there a specific plot reason or is it just because it's a porn game? Is anything going to be staying true to the game?

    3. Well, if Link does go banging chicks you could just say something like they release powerful pheremones that got him horny or something. Or maybe a meter that increases for some reason (like horniness) and past a certain point he'd do it and the meter would reset or something.
      Besides, if monsters raping Kokiri is something that happens, they should all know about sex and maybe being dominatnt is they way to hold off future attacks or something like that.

    4. There will be "reasons", though don't expect them to be particularly deep. Its more like we're just using OoT's setting and characters. The plot is being reworked a bit in order to have the heroines adapt to it. That way we can try to keep them true to their real character even though this is a very porn heavy vn. Link will become more of a reflection of the player's choices, though there will be "reasons" that attempt to explain his actions as well.

      "they release powerful pheremones"
      The reasoning is very similar to this. Though in regards to dealing with monster girls the player is the one who's going to decide whether they give in to sex or not. Most of Link's sexual options will be entirely determined by the player. If you want Link to remain a pure, innocent shota then choices will enable that. If you want him to go around sleeping with everything he sees then you can do that too.

      The scripts been set up so that monster girls are just starting to appear. Nobody knows where they came from or why and they have yet to adapt to any of it, so there's much kidnapping of boys/men, raping, confusion and that sort of thing.

      Its nice seeing two viewers responding to each other, that doesn't seem to happen too often.

  2. When was the programmer supposed to show up?

    1. Its more that he disappeared all of a sudden. Last Saturday he said he'd made significant progress on the build and that he'd be back ASAP. That's all I know.

  3. What do you mean "designing monster girls"? Do you mean you posting your designs?

    1. I was thinking it might be nifty see some designs from any viewers who are potentially interested in creating one. It wouldn't have to be some big endeavor, but I think getting some fresh ideas for monster girl concepts or artwork would allow for some good discussion and help vary things up a bit. Depending on how it goes, we could possibly use some of those viewer's designs in the ZVN.

    2. Well I can draw a mean stick figure, other than that I don't think I'll be able to participate in designs, but I'll give feedback I guess.

    3. You could attempt to describe it, or link to a monster girl you think would look good. Its all about the discussion and seeing things from different viewpoints.

    4. You should take a look at this, I think it would provide you with proper inspiration, Ling.

    5. I've been a pretty big fan of Kenkou's designs for a while now, especially his newer work. Thanks for the link
      I wish he makes a game out of that encyclopedia some day.

  4. Well character discussions then. Which characters are up for discussion? The Kokiri girls? What part do they play really, just partners? They tag along and that's it?

    1. If there's interest I'll make separate posts that focus on character discussion (Saria, Navi, Fado, etc.), just like the monster girl design thought. Once we move beyond Kokiri Forest, we could have discussions about characters that appear later on as well. It would probably entail how they should act in given situations, what scenes are good for them, thoughts on the character in general, that kind of thing.

      Partners are the most important aspect of the ZVN. They'll influence the plot, have their own "route", will accompany Link into dungeons/battles, etc. I'm really trying to push for a good deal of interactivity between them and the player.

    2. What things will they affect specifically? The main plot, and the battles? How much interactivity is planned? Are there any examples?

    3. Yes, they will affect the main plot and battles.

      Nothing is confirmed yet for plans involving interactivity, but I'm hoping that instead of just a linear route, it isn't too difficult to "talk" with the heroines and perform specific actions with her during certain times/locations. These actions would affect stats (both Link and the partner) that will determine or open/close future possibilities.

  5. Someone's stuffing the votes, all you have to do is clear your cookies/cache and refresh and you can vote again.

    Someone's been stuffing the votes for saria, she just shot up 40 votes within 5 minutes.

    You need to find a per IP vote or change the vote system on here.

    1. >184 votes
      >more than triple any of the past votes highest points
      Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I don't understand cheating to that extent, obviously it's going to become obvious and you're not going to get what you want in. You're either just going to ruin it for everyone else, or the voting system will change and you won't get anything.

      Plus it's just retarded, because it's so blatant. So yeah, good job cheater...Kudos for that level of idiocy.

    2. Well this is unfortunate. The past polls were always shortened to only 2-3 days and this blog moves slowly enough that I imagine most people only drop by once a week (or two) on average, but even so this is still very blatant. There wasn't a spike in views from anyone linking to us either. It also looks like someone wanting Navi started doing it as well in order to keep up.

      I'm sure most people know how easy it is to cheat these kind of polls that track cookies (or IPs as well), but everyone seemed pretty good about keeping that under control until now. Its pretty clear they're just doing this to screw with the results which is even more concerning. If all they wanted was Saria to win they could've been much more subtle about it.

      Even though Saria looked like she was legitimately catching up the other day, I'll give this one to Navi.

  6. Hard to discern some parts, but it looks good for the most part.

  7. i like it, looks good ling

  8. When will there be an update on this scene?

    1. Can never say for certain. I've tried giving guesstimates on when I'll update in the past, but it often didn't work out.
      I'm planning on working on it today though.

  9. Finally, the programmer is back?

    1. According to him he may be back by the weekend. Hopefully he's right.
      I'm just happy he's not dead.

  10. I like how it's turning out, but what's the thing at the top of the spider sticking out that Navi is looking at?

    1. She should be looking up towards its head, so you might be talking about the fang.

  11. What are you trying to change with the picture?

  12. Hmm, her breast kind of looks like an odd bulge from the spiderdick.
    Thumbs up, always good to see more art. Pass on my well-wishes to the programmer as well

    1. Your comment about the spiderdick bulge confused me for a while, but then I suddenly saw exactly what you meant and now I can't unsee it. One of those weird coincidences haha.
      Thanks man, appreciate it

  13. Replies
    1. Struggling with a number of other things at the moment. Project is practically at a standstill at this point, aside from a few WIP drawings. Programmer has been "back" online for about a week now, but has yet to really talk to us or provide the updated build despite attempts to contact him. The team itself is moving slower than ever and drifting further apart. Things aren't looking too great.

  14. The skullwalltula is blocking everything worth seeing

    1. Was a bit of a sacrifice in order to try and rectify the skullwalltula's placement and angle. The dick wasn't centered properly before either.
      I'll see if I could slim down the abdomen a bit in order to show off a bit of the penetration.

  15. anymore updates soon?

    1. Hopefully. Lost some coloring progress, and I move much slower during weekdays, but its getting there.

      In regards to updates for the project as a whole, the "team's" situation is just painful at this point, even with the programmer being back and supposedly doing something. I don't even know what to say really, its all very frustrating.
