Friday, November 22, 2013

Maybe Not

Update: Hitting another rough patch with development. Well, more like a prolonged rough patch. Things simply don't go as smoothly as you'd hope for. What makes it worse is so much of it could be rectified just be eschewing the "I'll do it tomorrow" mentality. I suppose this much is to be expected when a group of people band together over the internet and have nothing to gain from their time and effort, especially considering the scope of this project. All this of course applies to me as well.
Also, I'll be redoing the Deku Scrub and Saria scene. I just could not get it to the point where I was satisfied no matter how much time I spent on it.

Looks like Saria is the winner. I'll couple her with the deku scrub since that's been requested several times before. If you have any ideas you'd like to see in the scene, feel free to share them.
On a side note, the next working dayafter I said I cut down on my hours, I ended up working overtime. My boss might not let me get out of there as easily as I had thought.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kokiri Shop Selection

Its already been 12 days since the last update? It doesn't even feel like its been half that long. Where does all the time go?

This was finished shortly after the last post. I was going to wait until we had a screen of it in the build, but I'm too busy expanding upon our navigation system and I'd like to post some visual updates at least somewhat sort of often. 
As you can see it matches OoT and will work in a similar fashion. You can talk with Fado, select items to purchase or instigate events here. If you're wondering why its Fado behind the counter, or why she looks a little miffed, I hope you can look forward to finding out for yourself once we've completed the demo.

Friday, November 8, 2013

A new Saria, a new member, and more rambling

I figured some sort of update would be nice, especially considering I said I'd redo Saria's sprite a while back.
Important sprites like Saria will end up having multiple poses and expressions. I'm finding out the hard way how difficult it is to keep everything consistent from one sprite to the next. The longer I work on them, the more I notice that doesn't quite seem to match up, which leads to spending even more time (and thus noticing even more discrepancies). It ends up becoming a rather tedious cycle where you can only hope things become satisfactory by the end of it all. Fado will probably put me to the test next. I'll also need to tweak a couple of other sprites that haven't been shown on the blog, but I'm hoping I won't have to redo them entirely.
I can only hope I don't render more art unusable moving forward.

On a positive note we've gotten hold of a new writer. This is a very good thing because he's far more eloquent than I am. You guys don't know it now, but whenever you do actually see the script, you'll be thankful. Well, that's what I'd like to say. Nothing is set in stone yet since he sounds like a busy guy, but with any luck you won't be stuck with me.

I've also noticed we've been losing views left and right. It looks like the slowdown and constant barrage of negativity on my part regarding the team and project is taking hold. While its to be expected, its still a bit of a shame. However, its probably for the best. Checking in all the time only to be disappointed when nothing's been updated can't be very fun. I'd like to say I'll sit down and pump out content that can be shown on a regular basis, but we all know by now what happens whenever I say I'll do something in a reasonable amount of time.

And shoutout to these guys for making an incredible VN -
I can't understand a word of it, and neither will you unless you can read German, but that's ok, its still definitely worth checking out. If you're into lolis, great artwork, and music you can't go wrong. With any luck a translation will happen at some point.

Monday, October 21, 2013

I am so tired right now

Put this one off far longer than I should have.

We haven't kicked the bucket, but the project is still in a rather comatose state. Some positive signs have started to crop up however, so hopefully it won't take too much longer to get back into the swing of things. That said, lately I've been devoting a lot of time into some rather unexciting tasks. This means the blog will most likely continue to move very slowly. I'm going to be working on the essentials and I don't plan on tackling another scene until everything is squared away and we finally start seeing some significant progress. I may try to post some progress updates and the like, but nothing major until we get moving again. Hang tight, with any luck we'll get through this.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Because why not?

Here are some relatively (somewhat) old drawings / ideas and or what would be scenes for the game that may or may not make it in. They've been sitting here on my hard drive and I figured it was about time I share them properly.

give her the d

Monday, September 16, 2013

Moving on

UPDATE: I was hoping I would be able to finish/update this all in one go, but I don't think I'll be able to have the coloring done by today so here's the lineart. Currently reevaluating the project's priorities.

I'd still like to hear everyone's thoughts about whether or not you'd all be up for posts involving character discussions, possibly designing monster girls (even just a doodle or description would be enough so long as the design is clear), or just anything that helps vary things up a bit on here. If you think all that's needed are posts involving progress on the scenes, then that's cool too.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Saria has won

Update: Not much to say aside from being happy its done and feeling like the colors turned out a little more vibrant than usual.
It looks like Saria's sprite will need an overhaul, along with a few others...
A new poll will be up once I have a bit more time.

Lineart. Still very busy, but I will try to finish this up soon.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

For what purpose

Before the next scene is decided on, I'd like to ask something: 

 What are you looking forward to?

Before you say "porn", I mean something a little more specific. What characters are your favorite? Does the concept we're going with seem interesting? Basically, whether its confirmed or not, what are you hoping to see out of a Zelda VN?

I may or may not have an answer to your questions, nor is this a "if I tell you what I want to see, will you do it?" type of a deal. Nevertheless, I feel it would be beneficial to know just what it is you may be sticking around for.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Keese Girl it is

UPDATE: New poll is up.

And done. Hopefully. Sending it back and forth slowed things down quite a bit, but I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. buca did a really nice job.
I'm still a little unsure of the legs, but a couple of other people I asked said they didn't see any issues with them so maybe the slight tweaks we made were enough...
New poll will come soon.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Poor Navi

EDIT: Realized the only image with the deku scrub girl was the UI mockup a few pages back so I added her here.
Pretty surprising results so far, I must say. They were all pretty neck and neck for the first 20 votes or so and now the keese girl (who didn't do so well in the last two polls) is giving Saria a run for her money. Some of you Navi voters have a thing for small girls with wings, eh?

UPDATE: Poll posted.
One anon suggested I should stick queen gohma in here because she's a little more curvy than the others. I doubt she's really anyone's cup of tea, but she does add some variety.

This was not very fun to color.
 I'll post queen gohma and put up another poll soon. This one will not have Navi in it, which pretty much means its going to be Saria next, but we'll see how it turns out...
On a side note, /f/dude is alive. It seems it was more than just his job giving him a hard time.

Since coloring is taking me longer than I thought, I'll post the lineart here just to have some sort of update.

EDIT: There seems to be a few comments that are being sent, but don't actually show up in the comments section.  You may want to play it safe and copy your post before publishing.

Friday, June 28, 2013


I was going through the script yesterday and I happened across a piece where Remi, one of the twins, get's strung up from a tree. So instead of working on character poses or something else important, I did this instead.
u cheeky cunt m8 ill dek u in swere on me mum

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It begins

And done. Hopefully. Sorry I was off with the guesstimates on when I would finish. Hit some unexpected hurdles.
I'll be getting started on the next scene tomorrow night. Looks like its going to be Navi again.
Now for a quick nap before I head off to work...

Lineart. I felt there wasn't nearly enough bat junk in this image, so I added one more. Forgive me.
If all goes well I should have plenty of time to finish by tonight.

Monday, June 24, 2013

New scene experiment

Pick a scene:
Navi getting assaulted by: Keese, Gohma Larva, or a Skullwalltula (for game overs)
Saria getting assaulted by: Deku Scrub, Skulltula, or a Deku Baba (for game overs)
DekuScrub Girl scenario: they assault Link, Link assaults them, or foreplay/fetish
Keese Girl scenario: they assault Link, Link assaults them, or foreplay/fetish (buca'll need to stamp his seal of approval on this)
Queen Gohma scenario: they assault Link, Link assaults them, or foreplay/fetish

UPDATE: I've added a poll to the right sidebar. Vote for your preferred girl there, then if you want to say who they should be paired up with (Deku Scrub on Saria, Keese on Navi, etc), what scenario should happen, or just your thoughts in general on the scene, make a post here. 

I'm going to try something a little different with this post.

You're all here for the (so far virtually non-existent) porn, right? We obviously haven't been doing a very good job of providing that, so let's try this....

duzey: We do have some scenes that are currently in pre-production.

Feel free to post any other details you might like to see. I'll go with the most popular girl (and monster/scenario if possible) and draw it up from start to finish here with, hopefully, daily updates.
If there aren't enough comments to draw a decision from by Tuesday, I will randomly choose from those who have posted.

EDIT: There's no guarantee all of those scenes will be created. The popular choice has a surefire shot at being made, so if you want to see something, be sure to say so.
V2: Just to clarify, the keese or deku scrubs assaulting Navi or Saria will be their normal monster version, not the monster girls.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Hey there,
They call me Buca here at Zelda VN and I decided it was about time I introduced myself. I joined a month or two ago way back when they were re-designing Link and Navi. I wanted to join mainly cause I liked the idea of Zelda themed monster girls but I also help out with the script. Normally I keep my work to myself until its sent out with the finished product but seeing as how the team was encouraging me to be more active here and also cause I'm introducing myself, I thought I'd show you one of the monster girls I helped work on when I joined.
This is the Keese girl in game sprite size

I took charge of this particular drawing however it was a team effort that really made it what it looks like now. I'll try to find the time to post more of my work on this blog but to be honest I'd rather show more concept art than finished work. Feel free to rip on this drawing, and I mean really insult it! Spit on it, yell its flaws out, show me your disgust, it feels Sooooo Good.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Good news

We're doing well, it's been a while since we posted and we apologize for that. We have some pretty good updates coming your way soon, just hang in there.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Looking for a yaoi artist

We've had a good deal of recruits come and go since we started development, and while that includes a number of artists, we have yet to find anyone who is interested in drawing yaoi. If you, or someone you know, might be interested in working together with us on this, we'd love to hear from you.

However, please take into account it is going to be a significant amount of work. Please only offer up your time if you have the time to give, not because we're desperate. Those who take on this position may also write up the yaoi scenes as well, if that is something that interests them.

New Link

Sorry this took a while, stuff happened. 
Fire away.

Monday, May 27, 2013

2 weeks and 4 days

We're not dead, no, not at all. As a matter of fact, an update should be coming really soon.

Friday, May 10, 2013

New Navi

Sorry this took so long to post. Link should be up fairly soon as well.
EDIT: Sorry Link is taking a little longer than I planned. I lost some progress (including some of the colors on Navi) with my recent hard drive failure and I've got other priorities to take care of first.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Progress Report

No screens to show just yet, but things are moving along.
  • Redesigning how dungeons operate to allow for more exploration, rather than being almost entirely text/choice based
  • Revamping the battle system to allow for more dynamic enemies and partners, as well as a few other tweaks
  • Writing/Implementing the first version of the script
  • New art stuff
  • /f/dude has reworked Link's head in the DSG scene
  • We've welcomed a new member: buca

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Its come to my attention that there's someone (assuming its just one because they ask if everyone's hyped each time that I've seen) who really wants to get this project noticed. We definitely appreciate the effort, but at this point its coming off as excessive and its grating the nerves of the people who just want a Zelda thread without having to see the ZVN. I happened across a thread yesterday where someone said that there's been viraling going on in almost every Zelda thread lately and if that's true, that's way too much.

We can handle getting the blog exposure. At this point I'd rather not pester /v/ or /vg/ any further.

We are on the lookout for people who want to join the project and in order to do so we need people to know we exist, but we don't want to bother anyone in the process. If whoever has been viraling is reading this, please tone it down. If you'd still like to help somehow, shoot one of us an email.


On an unrelated note:
"The artist went to the blog to say the art was great and held a poll. Turned out no one liked the art, so he did this little post saying "MAYBE I SHOULDN'T BE THE LEAD ARTIST WAAAAH", then he decided to actually listen to critique and redo some of the art."

Just came across this in an archive and I'd like to address it as I've heard similar comments before. Maybe it'll just make things worse, but I'll give it a shot anyway.

Not once have I tried to say the art was great in face of all the criticism. My intention with that post I made a while back was to say "I hear the criticism. I'll redo the art. Please elaborate on why you think its shit so I can improve it, instead of just churning out more shit".

The poll was never an attempt to justify the art. Its only purpose was to see which of the sprites should be redone. That's why the title of the poll was "Which of the sprites should be redone?" I could be wrong, but I think the poll was also created at the same time as the post.

I can't deny this. Maybe I did sound like that. However, saying I should step down as the artist if my work is really that bad wasn't some pity grab. If my work is just going to drag the project down, I'm not going to keep being the artist, that's all there is to it. I was prepared to relegate myself to an assistant position if people didn't like the newer sketches. I still am if the overall quality of the work doesn't pick up.

I just... why? Why all of this? Even if the art is hated, I don't understand the reception I've been seeing for the project in general. What is it that's invoking such strong feelings?

Sorry for the wall.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Link/Navi sketches

Have at it. Flaws, design ideas, thoughts, etc. I really appreciate the help.
These aren't finalized, they're a base to go off of.  I'll do what I can to improve them.

UPDATE: Alright, so the general reception seems pretty good and I have a better idea of what was causing problems before. I appreciate the comments.
Navi looks pretty plain to me, and she won't be naked. If anyone has some ideas or designs to help spice up her up, feel free to share them, otherwise I'll just go on ahead.
As for Link, the reception is much better, though there still may be a few concerns.If you could elaborate on any concerns you have with him, I'd appreciate it.
And speaking of Link, what is the general consensus on Link in /f/dude's scene? The likelihood of reworking him is very small due to the amount of progress that's already been made, but I'd like to get a better understanding of what made Link so unappealing in the first place and if that Link has the same issues as the other one.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Upboat- I mean update.

Both Na'Vi and Link will be completely redone.

REAL UPDATE: It sounded redundant, so allow me to reiterate: Both characters will be completely redrawn. Including Na'Vi's design.

Monday, March 18, 2013

A long overdue post and a look at the new battle UI

Our programmer and I have been hard at work on a UI design for the ZVN's battle system. While we're still trying to figure out some of the mechanics, we felt the design we had before wasn't nearly good enough, even as incomplete as it was at the time. So we've overhauled it from this:

to this

While its not quite finalized, many of the changes have already been implemented into the build.
Some differences are:
  • Your partner is always on screen during battles. In the finalized design they will each have a unique battle sprite that faces their enemies. The default Saria sprite above is a placeholder for now.
  • We've included a banner that is present both in and out of fights. It includes Link's health, magic, status, and current rupee/item count. As well as buttons that allow you to talk to your partner at any time, a partner screen (that shows a brief bio, acquired skills and affection level), inventory screen, and young Link's map.
  • The leaf icon is unique to the player's location. Depending on where you are, it will change both in text and graphic. Its pretty vague in this example, but will include more areas soon.
  • More enemies on the screen. While the deku scrub girl is included here as an example, most monster girls will be fought alone.
  • Much prettier action icons.
  • And finally, while you can't see it in the example, we've created attack, hit, and special effect animations that play out during battles.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


A few scenes are finished and things are going relatively smoothly, not super fast but things are getting done here and there.

Monday, February 25, 2013

This update is a pro boner

4chan/f/dude here! Finally posting! And with PORN!
I would like to thank the crew of Zelda: Visual Novel for letting me join...again.

Taking longer and longer to update. I've gotten pretty busy lately, and the time working on this project has gotten scarce. Hopefully, this will get better.

I forgot to mention, feedback on the updates will help out a lot!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bioware and NASA confirmed for ZVN developers

Just wanted to share with you all this awesome intro our programmer felt compelled to create.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Update for updates sake

Sorry for the lack of updates... again. We've got the upgraded build done, but it still needs a bit of work in the graphics department before we show off some screens. We're also trying to figure out the best way to update the blog. We wouldn't want to bore anyone with talk of duzey's daily adventures, so we're thinking of updating once a week, maybe more if a week is especially eventful for us.
If you've got some ideas of what you'd like to see here, either commentary, art stuff, small progress reports, all of the above, or other, let us know.

Friday, February 8, 2013

New Member

We welcome this guy to our team:

 Perhaps you've heard of him?

Monday, February 4, 2013

To All Three of Our Viewers

2/7 UPDATE V2: We've found a new member. We're working out the details right now, but an introduction should come later today if all goes well.

2/5 UPDATE: We'll announce our plans for updating the blog when we show some screens from the new build. Which should be any day now, right, zvnprgrmr?


Apparently there's been some concern over the fact that we rarely update this blog. First off, no need to worry, we are still working. Our slow blog updates, or lack thereof is not an indication of the amount of progress being made.
Secondly, if you're one of the three people that knows this blog exists, we'd love to hear from you. Whether it be to show support, give a suggestion, or criticize us (hopefully constructively), it shows you care, and that's very motivating. And as a plus I don't have to dig up old threads whenever there's a spike in views.

If you'd like to see us update the blog more often, tell us that.
If you'd like to say you're looking forward to what we're doing, tell us that.
If you'd like to say, "ero, your work is just tragic. Here's how you can improve it...", tell me that. But please... be gentle...
If you'd like to toss some of your thoughts and ideas regarding the ZVN our way, by all means, go for it. But please be understanding that we can't afford to cater to anyone, nor can we make guarantees, no matter how much we may love a certain idea. We are a group of people communicating over the internet from god knows where, we just don't have the luxury of including every idea we want to see, at least not for the time being.

That said, once more people discover the blog we will attempt to include everyone by putting up polls and asking questions. Ex. what portion we should work on next, what design to go with, or what idea we should choose if the team can't make a decision, among other things.

As interest in yaoi has been expressed before, I'll let those of you looking forward to it know right now that until we can find someone who wants to shoulder the work involved and draw it, it's not going to happen. So if you enjoy drawing yaoi and would like to see it in the ZVN, apply now and receive a *free homophobic remark from duzey!
* Terms and conditions apply. Offer not valid if you cry easily.

Oh, and we should have an upgraded build with more screens and info to share soon.

Monday, January 21, 2013

New Artists

We welcome two great artist, Marker & Skullkid to the team.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Update: Backgrounds

Currently accumulating necessary backgrounds and the likes. The written portion is being worked on, but still extremely early.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Still alive

Haven't posted anything in 2 weeks and 2 days, but we're alive and still chug-chug-chugging along.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Steam Group now open to the public

It was silly to keep it private. If you have steam, I encourage you to join the group!
Z-VN Steam Group