2/7 UPDATE V2: We've found a new member. We're working out the details right now, but an introduction should come later today if all goes well.
2/5 UPDATE: We'll announce our plans for updating the blog when we show some screens from the new build. Which should be any day now, right, zvnprgrmr?
Apparently there's been some concern over the fact that we rarely update this blog. First off, no need to worry, we are still working. Our slow blog updates, or lack thereof is not an indication of the amount of progress being made.
Secondly, if you're one of the three people that knows this blog exists, we'd love to hear from you. Whether it be to show support, give a suggestion, or criticize us (hopefully constructively), it shows you care, and that's very motivating.
And as a plus I don't have to dig up old threads whenever there's a spike in views.
If you'd like to see us update the blog more often, tell us that.
If you'd like to say you're looking forward to what we're doing, tell us that.
If you'd like to say, "ero, your work is just tragic. Here's how you can improve it...", tell me that.
But please... be gentle...
If you'd like to toss some of your thoughts and ideas regarding the ZVN our way, by all means, go for it. But please be understanding that we can't afford to cater to anyone, nor can we make guarantees, no matter how much we may love a
certain idea. We are a group of people communicating over the internet
from god knows where, we just don't have the luxury of including every
idea we want to see, at least not for the time being.
That said, once more people discover the blog we will attempt to include everyone by putting up polls and asking questions. Ex. what portion we should work on next, what design to go with, or what idea we should choose if the team can't make a decision, among other things.
As interest in yaoi has been expressed before, I'll let those of you looking forward to it know right now that until we can find someone who wants to shoulder the work involved and draw it, it's not going to happen. So if you enjoy drawing yaoi and would like to see it in the ZVN, apply now and receive a *free homophobic remark from duzey!
* Terms and conditions apply. Offer not valid if you cry easily.
Oh, and we should have an upgraded build with more screens and info to share soon.